Club Friendlies, Saturday, JUL 27, 18:00 CEST
Centro Sportivo Fulvio Bernardini
  • IT
  • Our academies

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    Recognised throughout the world for the quality of its youth team, our AS Roma International Academy program stands for our dedication to training young players in sports and education, transmitting the club's work philosophy and values to the rest of the world.

    We are a high performance, all-year-round football academy, dedicated to all boys and girls aged between 5 and 17, which offers the opportunity to learn the training methodologies and techniques of the club.

    Our vision

    We follow our young players in their growth process by offering the best training facilities while teaching and developing their football skills as well as providing educational training.

    We focus on:

    • Individual development
    • Team development

    Our values

    We have carefully designed our program to:

    • Develop the young athlete’s self-knowledge and learning skills
    • Develop a smart player, fully involved in the team with a winning mentality and fair play mindset

    Partner benefits

    We enable our partners to reach their best in all aspects of the business, to export and share our philosophy, methodology and values:

    • Official AS Roma coach to ensure the technical direction of the Academy
    • Complete organisational support during all Academy activities
    • Marketing, communication and promotional guidance

    Contact us >