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    Kid sends heart-warming letter after Tammy signs his shirt

    It was a fleeting moment, but one that the kid at the centre of it all will nonetheless never forget...

    It was a fleeting moment, but one that the kid at the centre of it all will nonetheless never forget.

    On Sunday, as the first-team squad arrived in Florence ahead of Monday's Serie A meeting with Fiorentina, seven-year-old Manuel Romano chased down his favourite player, Tammy Abraham, for a photograph.

    Wearing an 'Abraham 9' Roma shirt, the England striker duly stopped for a photo - before also signing the back of his shirt, making an unforgettable memory even more special.

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    Taking to Instagram later in the week, Manuel's mother published a letter from the youngster thanking Tammy for his display of kindness.

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    Ciao Tammy,

    I am the boy whose shirt you signed at the train station in Florence.

    I wanted to tell you that you made it the best day of my life. It made me really happy, it was amazing to meet my idol. Even if I was born in Florence, my heart is Giallorosso.

    I also play football and I hope, one day, to be as good as you - but above all I hope to one day play for Roma.

    You are a really nice guy.

    I hope to meet you again one day and perhaps kick a ball around with you.

    A thank you from Manuel Romano.

    Daje Roma!