Serie A, Sunday, JAN 26, 15:00 CET
Bluenergy Stadium
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    A Scuola di Tifo: Angelino participates in the final event of the season

    On 23 May, the Rita Levi Montalcini school in the Tuscolano district of Rome hosted the final event of the 2023/24 edition of the “A Scuola di Tifo” (a school for fans) project.

    Created by AS Roma in 2015 to engage students from schools in the capital on socially relevant issues such as bullying, racism, environmental education and inclusion through the participation of players, the “A Scuola di Tifo” project was named a few years ago in memory of Willy Monteiro, a great Roma fan who was brutally killed in Colleferro in 2020.

    In the presence of Angelino, the President of the VII Municipality Francesco Laddaga and the headmistress of the Istituto Maria Pia Foresta, four classes from the Italo Svevo middle school received materials from AS Roma mascot Romolo, which were donated to support the students’ sporting activities based on the needs set out by the school administrators.

    The distribution of sporting materials, which is an integral part of the project, adds to those already distributed throughout the school year at the Domenico Bernardini, Orsa Maggiore, Gramsci, Francesco Laparelli, Antonio De Curtis, Gianni Rodari and Leonardo da Vinci schools.

    See the other photos from the day below!