Club Friendlies, Saturday, JUL 27, 18:00 CEST
Centro Sportivo Fulvio Bernardini
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    AS Roma Business Summit 2024: the second edition with an international flavour proves successful

    300 participants, a round table featuring prestigious European clubs and an interesting afternoon business show on inclusion, leadership and mental coaching.

    The second edition of the AS Roma Business Summit 2024 kicked off at 9:00am CET on 28 February at the stunning Stadio Olimpico, with a welcome speech for all participants by Michael Wandell, AS Roma’s Chief Commercial & Brand Officer. The keyword of the day was most certainly “networking”.

    Throughout the morning, around 300 participants were able to interact with one another thanks to the Business Speed Date event, with the sessions booked in advance during the registration phase. Almost 100 tables were available for one-to-one interviews and to establish new agreements between businesses. For those who requested to take part, the Meet AS Roma initiative was a useful way to meet strategic club departments in order to present their products and services.

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    This year’s International Business Club Marketing took place in a bigger and more prestigious format, with a round table led by club representatives, which involved equivalent role-holders at big players in the football world, such as FIGC, Bayern Munich, Newcastle, Everton, Fiorentina, Braga and Valencia. It was an opportunity to pull ideas together and brainstorm with the aim of consolidating the international Business Club network.

    Following a tour of the Stadio Olimpico for the businesses, the afternoon played host to the third edition of the Business Club Awards, in which companies that are part of the network received awards for outstanding work within their communities for a range of impressive reasons so far this season.

    The Snack Summit was the final item on the afternoon agenda, which was split up into three panels in collaboration with the Social Football Summit, featuring discussions on inclusion, leadership and mental coaching alongside experts in the field and figures in the sporting world.

    Take a look through our photo gallery from the event.

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