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Roma to compete in women's Serie A next season


AS Roma are proud to announce that the club will have a team competing in women’s Serie A next season.

The club strongly believes that every child deserves the same opportunity: that girls as well as boys must have the chance to dream of one day taking the field wearing the club’s famous colours.

The Giallorossi women’s team will be coached by Elisabetta Bavagnoli, with home games to be played at Stadio Tre Fontane.

“I’ve been talking with Mia Hamm, who is a member of our Board of Directors, about launching an official AS Roma women’s team for a couple of years and it’s very satisfying that we can confirm today that we’ll kick-off the new season with both a men’s and women’s Roma team," said club president Jim Pallotta.

"We have lots of girls in our coaching system and today’s announcement means that they will be able to have more opportunities to continue their development and hopefully see a clear path through to playing football at this club.”