UEFA Europa League, Thursday, MAY 9, 21:00 CEST
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Sadiq fires Nigeria to Olympic bronze medal


Roma striker Sadiq Umar scored twice to propel Nigeria to a 3-2 victory over Honduras and a bronze medal in the Olympic Games on Saturday.

The young forward, who scored four goals in the tournament in total, helped the Super Eagles clinch their first medal of the competition - with echoes of the famous 1996 team that won the gold medal in Atlanta.

Hosts Brazil won the gold medal, beating Germany - who edged Nigeria in the semi-finals - on penalties on Saturday evening.

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Sadiq joins a number of Olympic medallists within the squad - defenders Juan Jesus (silver) and Federico Fazio (gold) all have medals from previous Games.

The last player to win an Olympic medal while at Roma was Daniele De Rossi, who secured bronze with Italy at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. He was joined on that occasion by Giallorossi teammates Ivan Pelizzoli and Matteo Ferrari.